Welcome to TheFundCFO Newsletter!

I mostly write about the following topics:

  1. VC Fund Finances & Operations

  2. VC GP Insights, Tools, Models, & Playbooks

  3. LP Investor Preferences

  4. General Private Market Investing

If you have topic suggestions or if there is anything I can do to make the newsletter better then please reach out!

My posts are free so please share them!


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Learn How to Build World-Class VC Fund Finance & Back Office Systems. Playbooks, Models, Interviews w/ Top VC GPs, CFOs/Finance Pros, and LP Investors.


Founder @AirstreamAlpha | CFO | Investor | Ex-LP @$2b+ E&F | Traveler | Alum @UNC @KenanFlagler @KelloggSchool | Tweets = My opinions/Not financial advice